If you are a foreigner living in Thailand, taking to the roads, and driving yourself can seem a daunting prospect. However, once you get used to the streets, they are less hectic than they seem and driving in Thailand can be simple if you are careful and pay attention to the driving conditions.
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Insurance is compulsory when driving on the roads in Thailand, and there are a few options available to you. Below are some of the various options you can choose to give you peace of mind when driving in Thailand that if something happens, you are fully covered.
Comprehensive Insurance In Thailand
Comprehensive insurance is also known as First Class Insurance in Thailand, and it gives you the fullest amount of coverage for your vehicle. First Class Insurance in Thailand or ประกันรถชั้น 1 will cover you for the car if it gets lost, stolen, or damaged. It will also cover third parties if they should get killed, injured, or their property gets damaged in an accident that is caused by your vehicle.
You can also get coverage for things such as flooding and other natural disasters and cover you for damage to windows and windscreen, wheels, paintwork, and theft of possessions from your vehicle. If you are going to purchase a car and drive in Thailand, it is advisable to ensure you get first-class insurance to have as much coverage as possible.
Second Class Insurance In Thailand
Second class insurance in Thailand is the second-best coverage you can get for your vehicle. With this type of insurance, you will have the price of vehicle repairs covered by your insurance policy for you and third parties, but this is where it usually stops. The insurance will not cover property in the vehicle for loss or theft. It usually only covers you when there is a collision, and for this reason, it is also known as collision insurance in Thailand.
Third Class Insurance In Thailand
The lowest class of insurance for a vehicle is third class insurance, and this does not offer much cover for your vehicle or third parties if you have an accident. An insurance policy will usually cover the driver’s life and any injuries incurred by the driver and passengers. It will also cover third parties who incur property damage and covers for liability.
No Claims Bonus In Thailand
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In Thailand, they have a no claims bonus system where drivers are rewarded with cheaper renewal policies with more years of no claims. The more claims you have, the more expensive your insurance will be. You may also want to look for insurance companies that offer no claims protection, so if you have an accident that was not your fault, you can claim on your insurance without losing your no claims discount.
If you can afford to, you are much better choosing first-class insurance in Thailand, which gives you peace of mind that you are covered in the event of an accident., Whether it is your fault or not, you know that your property, medical expenses, and those of third parties will be paid, giving you one less thing to worry about when driving in Thailand.